8 Great Reasons To Recycle

8 Great Reasons To Recycle

We’ve all heard that recycling is something we should be doing on a regular basis, but do you know exactly why it should be done? There are plenty of interesting ways that recycling your waste can impact the environment in a positive manner. Unfortunately, many of us are still a little lazy when it comes to managing our household waste in an effective, eco-friendly way. Here are 8 reasons to start recycling properly today.


  1. It’s easy. Recycling simply isn’t as complicated as some people make it out to be. You don’t even have to deal with the details yourself – there are plenty of services out there that offer skip bins sydney and will help sort through your waste to make sure everything’s going exactly where it should be.
  2. You’ll help save the trees. We can all agree that trees are pretty important, right? Without them we literally wouldn’t be able to breathe, and our entire ecosystem would fall apart around us. Paper is made from trees, so it stands to reason that conserving the amount of paper produced will have a positive impact on the number of trees growing around the world. Recycling your paper protects trees – a valiant goal.
  3. Minimise carbon emissions. When normal household waste is sent over to the dump, it’s usually combusted, a process that emits harmful greenhouse gases into the atmosphere. This toxic pollution does unspeakable damage to our environment, so minimising the amount of waste sent to combustion is crucial to the future of our planet.
  4. You’ll help create jobs. The process of recycling is a major industry, which means employees need to be hired to get the job done. By contributing to recycling, you’re helping to provide people with jobs they need. This industry requires far more employees than standard waste management, so you’re looking at a substantial number of employment opportunities.
  5. Save energy in the manufacturing process. When recycled materials are utilised in manufacturing instead of raw materials, the amount of energy used in the process is dramatically reduced. For example, factories that use recycled aluminium cans use 95% less energy than the alternative, so you can make a major difference.
  6. Save space in the landfills. Landfills are already far too big, and they’re still spreading all across the planet. The last thing we need is more waste taking up more space in landfills, so sending items to recycling is a great way to keep it away from filling the earth. If landfills continue to be overfilled, we could be looking at a major ecological disaster in the not-so-distant future, so this step is crucial.
  7. Speed up technological advances. Contributing to a culture of recycling lets big businesses know that we’re interested in conservation and the environment. This means more money will be pushed into eco-friendly technologies, and progress will develop more rapidly.
  8. Protect the world’s precious wildlife. The destruction of rainforests, wetlands, rivers and forests all have terrible consequences for the world’s wildlife population. By recycling, you’re taking pressure off of these natural resources and doing your part to help conserve the wildlife we all love so much. It’s key that we help to protect the natural habitat of all animals, and further destruction will only make the problem worse.

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