Antiques Are Green

Antiques Are Green


With the world climate changing and our ozone in crisis, we have to look at all ways to reduce our carbon foot print. When we buy new furniture this also has an effect, so you have to think outside the box! According to Antiques World on their article, antiques are green and good for the environment. We have found a way to help reduce our emissions and recycle lovely old furniture. Current research shows that a piece of Antique furniture will have a carbon footprint 16 times lower than modern newly manufactured piece of furniture. Greenhouse gas emissions were compared with the manufacture of a modern chest of drawers and the use of an antique chest of drawers. Their findings show buying an antique chest of drawers, rather than newly built piece, reduces landfill as antiques are cherished and not thrown away, it reduces carbon emissions and reduces the consumption of new goods from outside the UK so less freight, therefore less emissions in delivering to the UK. Antiques are sustainable, re-usable and re-saleable and no trees are being cut down to make antique furniture unlike the modern equivalent, also as it was already constructed by hand in daylight, no power tools or lighting was used. Antiques can last forever unlike the modern equivalent that has a lifespan of approximately 15 years. Modern furniture is usually built not to last, making you purchase more new pieces and throw away your old piece, adding to landfill, making more trees to be cut down for manufacture, using for power and heat to produce, making more chemicals to finish and causing more emissions on delivery, from shipping and delivering around the world.

Buying antique furniture or recycled vintage furniture, sounds like a good option, adding style and class to your home along with saving our environment and where else can you find interesting focal points for your home, with a story and history behind them.


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